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Liberty's Lavish Cakes

I'm back !  A few things have changed to my site recently - a re brand and rename.  Fashionable F00d had been running for 5 years and had developed so much over those years that the name didn't seem fitting anymore. It initially started as a way for me to share savory foodie recipes that I had developed over my time training to be a chef; but it grew with me when I decided to train in pastry and start a cake company - .  As the fitting name - Liberty's Lavish Cakes was born.  The ethos is still very much the same, I want to share pretty things I make and to inspire people to bake.  So it's out here now, I won't be slacking anymore - a feast of foodie photographs and cake creations will be filling your feed once again 

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Taste of London

Guittard chocolate peanut brownies

Floral Wimbledon Tennis Ball Cake

Summertime Rhubarb Bakewell Meringue Pie

Hot Cross Bun Monkey Bread... T2 hot cross bun tea

Salted Caramel, Golden Egg Chocolate Cake

Beauty and the Beast Tiara Sugar Biscuits - Film Release 2017

Valentines Day - Champagne Drip Cake

Lemon Meringue Drizzle Drip Cake